Plant foods that boost your energy
- Better digestion
- Improved sleep
- A happier outlook
- Balanced blood sugar
- Glowing skin
- Less inflammation
- More energy
Ah, more ENERGY! The one thing that almost everyone seems to complain they don’t have enough of. Well, in today’s busy world with added stress of work and family life as well as diet, no wonder this is one of the leading complaints. It’s important to understand that all cells in our body are responsible for producing energy. For this reason, they must be fed the nutrients and oxygen they need or you will feel tired all the time. What’s the most powerful tool? A healthy plant-based diet that keeps your cells producing energy all day long. Plant foods are much easier for your body to digest because they require less energy vs. animal products. They are alive and full of nutrients your body will use to detoxify and rejuvenate. An essential component of this is water. The water content in plant-based foods hydrate your body and provide your cells with lots of oxygen.
Here is a list of 10 powerful plant foods to keep you feeling alive and energetic all day long:
1. Hemp seeds
Contain omega fats and provide long sustaining energy.
2. Chia seeds
Loaded with fiber and bulk up when soaked.
3. Kale
Loaded with protein, magnesium and it’s alkaline-forming.
4. Asparagus
High in B vitamins, which support healthy energy levels by turning food into fuel.
5. Sea veggies
Provide natural sodium to the diet.
6. Lemons
Packed with electrolytes, which are critical for cells to produce energy.
7. Quinoa
Contains all essential amino acids.
8. Cacao
One of nature’s richest sources of magnesium, which plays a key role in converting sugar to energy.
9. Goji berries
A natural source of antioxidants, protein and fiber.
10. Raw sauerkraut
Fermented cabbage is high in probiotics, which helps your gut digest foods more efficiently. Less energy required to digest equal more energy you are left with.
Veestro can help feed your energy! Try out our plethora of nutrient-dense plant-based meals!
Read more about getting enough energy from your food.