10 ways to sneak in more veggies
Are you struggling to get in your greens? The USDA's Dietary Guidelines recommend adults eat anywhere from 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day depending on age, gender, physical activity, and overall health. Most of us would be happy to eat 5 servings of fruit, but it's more difficult to fit in multiple servings of veggies throughout the day. Here are some easy ways to sneak more vegetables into your day without even noticing!
1. Add greens to smoothie
Adding a handful of spinach to a smoothie is a great way to sneak more veggies into your day. Pack your smoothie with fruits and flavor, and you won’t taste the spinach at all.
2. Spiralize your veggies
You can use a spiralizer to make noodles out of just about every vegetable: zucchini, squash, carrot, cucumber, beet. Order an affordable spiralizer online and make your favorite pasta dish without pasta!
3. Make a rule
Make a rule to add a vegetable to every pizza, pasta, and sandwich. Whether it’s throwing arugula on the pizza, broccoli in pasta, or tomatoes on your sandwich, it will add up!
4. Turn kale into...kale
Lightly coat kale, beets, or carrots with oil and bake in the oven for a crunchy, healthy alternative to a bag of chips.
5. Try cauliflower rice
Cauliflower rice is a great substitute for carb dense rice, and an easy way to add a serving of vegetables to your meal. Use cauliflower rice to make stir-fry, and pack that with veggies too!
6. Add a veggie to your muffin
You will barely notice the zucchini or pumpkin addition to a homemade muffin (unless you love pumpkin, then add a lot).
7. Secret ingredient dessert
You can disguise zucchini, sweet potato, avocado, and other vegetables easily in your favorite chocolate dessert. Search for “sweet potato brownie recipes” and add a healthy element to an indulgence.
8. Pass the lettuce
Taco night - veggie style! Swap out flour taco shells for a crunch lettuce cup. With all the taco toppings, you won’t even miss the classic shell.
9. Dip it
Make your own veggie dip with kale, spinach, or cauliflower. Look for kale pesto next time you’re at the grocery store, and other vegetable featured dips!
10. Eat Veestro
We pack all of our meals with organic vegetables, so you can heat, eat, and get your daily serving in a matter of minutes.