The best ways to stick to your resolutions
January is around the corner and you might be starting to think about your resolutions or goals for the new year. So many people like doing it because it gives them the ability to start over, like a clean slate for the year to come. Did you know? Less than a quarter of resolutions are actually held for more than a week or two. One reason is that these new beginnings are started without having a real foundation.
My New Year's resolution is to be a millionaire! If your bank account has $52.65 in it and your spending habits are always outside your budget, then this resolution will not make it to February. I want to be a size 6 and weigh 112 pounds! If you are a size 18, weigh 185 pounds and regularly binge eat while spending your free time sitting down, well this resolution won't make it past February. The trick to making a resolution that will stand the test of time is to create small goals that lead to a larger goal.
For example, if you wake up every morning and have bacon, sausage and eggs, but really want to try being a vegetarian, quitting meat may not be the best idea. Try something smaller like Meatless Mondays or Salad Sundays. By setting a small goal to take one or two days a week to be food conscious, you can begin to raise awareness within yourself and experiment with this new you to learn what you like or don't like and what you can do or not do. Start building your financial assets with a piggy bank and start reaching your fitness goals by walking around the block once or twice a day.
Once you have set your smaller goals as steps to your end goal, remember that changing oneself is never an easy thing. If it were, we would do it all the time. Change takes patience and stubbornness! A General rule of thumb is that it takes 21 days to make a new habit or break an old one. This is good news because it means you only have to survive three weeks until your mind and body begin doing half the work for you. Also remember we all make mistakes, and no one is perfect. If you miss a day of exercise or eat something on your "do not" list, take a deep breath, forgive yourself and begin again. One slip won't hurt you. The theory is there are days of reverting back to a bad habit and you have to start the fight over again.
Another great way to stick with your goals is to accept help and lean on your friends. Let people know what you're trying to do and build up a support system. If your new found savings account is screaming at you to go shopping, revisit your end goal of a million dollars. Call up your friend who knows what you want that money for and have them remind you. If 6 pack abs is your resolution, get your weight training buddy or your personal trainer to help keep you on track.
If being healthy and eating right is your resolution, let Veestro put you on course. Try our delicious meals to remind you what you can do if you just put your mind to it! Happy New Years and good luck.